High / Low Water Predictions
The predictions are of times and heights of High and Low waters. Times are in 24 hour notation, noon being 1200, in Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time). Heights are in metres, to one decimal place, Predicted Tidal Data (GMT) - Albert Dock Hull - Height over the Sill.
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The tidal information for the above sites is reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (www.ukho.gov.uk). © British Crown copyright. All rights reserved.
The UK Hydrographic Office has a site called EasyTide, which provides worldwide tidal predictions.
When calculating available navigable water depths within the estuary for commercial purposes, the Harbour Master, Humber, must be consulted.
Predicted Tidal Data (GMT) - Albert Dock Hull:
(Height over the Sill)