Public Consultation
ABP HES will consult with all those parties, individual and corporate, which have a legitimate interest in the estuary in order to ensure that our duties and responsibilities and the way we undertake them are widely recognised.
ABP HES will consult in such a way that the views expressed by others are understood and, where required, acted upon.
ABP HES consults with river users, interested parties, ABP employees, the general public and authorities that are involved in the management of the Humber environment, e.g. The Humber Liaison Committee. They consult for a number of reasons:
- To aid passage of information between ABP HES and all other associated groups.
- As part of the commitment ABP and Humber Estuary Services has made to the compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code.
- To provide a method to allow interested parties to contribute towards the safe operation of the harbour.
- To comply with legislation, viz, Pilotage Act 1987 (paragraph 7, section 4) and Harbours Act 1964 (9,6) (Annexes 4 & 5).
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