Harbour Authority
Associated British Ports, (ABP) is the Statutory and Competent Harbour Authority for the Humber and is responsible for ensuring the safety of marine operations within the ports and estuary. ABP Holdings Ltd appoints the directors of ABP, but has no power to direct them in respect of their powers and duties as a Harbour Authority. ABP derives its powers from legislation including the Harbours Docks and Piers (Clauses) Act 1847, Harbours Act 1964, the Pilotage Act 1987, Schedule 3, Transport Act 1981, the Docks Regulations 1988 and is the Duty Holder as specified in the Port Marine Safety Code.
As harbour authority for the Humber Estuary, the ABP Board of Directors delegated the roles of harbour authority to ABP Humber Estuary Services (HES). ABP’s responsibilities also include the appointment of the Harbour Master, who is responsible for the day-to-day management and safety of all marine operations undertaken in the estuary.
Humber Estuary Services (HES) Legislation
Humber Estuary Services operates under a raft of legislation. These acts and regulations detail the powers, duties and responsibilities of the harbour authority, which are summarised in this document.